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Colonial Wars

French Colonial Campaigns

Cochin-China, 1858-1885

Maximillian & Mexico



Ivory Coast

Other French Campaigns

the General

The Preziosi Collection
19th Century & Colonial Era
Orders of Battle

Compiled and Edited by Andrew Preziosi

French Campaigns in Senegal & Western Sudan,


Senegal Set #1

1881.A Order of Battle, The French Column, Medine’, January 9, 1881

1882.A Order of Battle, The French Column, Kita’, January 9, 1882

1883.A Order of Battle, The French Column, Kita-Bamako, December 1882-April 1883

1883.B Subsequent French Political and Topographic Missions, The 1883 Campaign

1884.A Order of Battle, The French Re-supply Column, Medine, Dec.18, 1883

1885.A Order of Battle, The French Re-supply Column, Diamou, February 1885

1886.A 1 Order of Battle, The French Senoudebou Column, Kita, Jan 10, 1886

1886.B Order of Battle, The French Internal Columns, Senegal, April, 1886

1887.A Order of Battle, The French Internal Columns, Senegal, Dec. 1886-April 1887

1887.B Order of Battle, The Peroz Diplomatic Mission du Ouassoulou, January 1, 1887

1888.A Order of Battle, The French Column, Kayes, December 28 1887

1889.A Order of Battle, The French Bafoulabe’ Column, February 1889


Price: $28.00

Senegal Set #2

1890.A Order of Battle, The French Segou-Sikoro Column, Farako, April 6th, 1890

1890.B Order of Battle, The French Column, Ouessebougou, April 15th, 1890

1890.C Order of Battle, The French Column, Combat of Kale’, June 2nd & 3rd, 1890

1890.D Order of Battle, The French Koniakary-Medine Column, Combat of Fatalagui’, 

     June 12th-16th, 1890

1891.A Order of Battle, The French Column, Kaarta Campaign, Koniakary, 12/1890

1891.B Order of March, The French Column, Kaarta Campaign, Combats of Korriga & Nioro, 

     December  30, 1890-January 3rd, 1891

1891.C Order of Battle, The French Column, Kaarta Campaign, Kersignan, Combat of Bandiougoula,  

      January 11, 1891

1891.D Order of Battle, The French Column, Nioro to Nyamina, January 29, 1891


Price: $24.00

Senegal Set #3

1891.E Order of Battle, The French Column, Baninko Revolt, Diana  February 23rd-24th, 1891 

1891.F Parade State & Order of March, Samoury Pursuit Column,  Sigouri,  March 1891

1891.G Order of Battle, The French Garrison of Kankan, April 13, 1891

1891.H Order of Battle, The French Pursuit Column, Kankan, April 17, 1891

1891.I Order of Battle, Ahmadou’s Tukolor Army, 1890-1891Campaign 

1892.A Order of Battle, The French Segou Column, Combat of Kale’, June 2nd & 3rd, 1892

1893.A Order of Battle, The French Column, Djenne, April 11, 1893


Price: $21.00

Timbuktu (French Soudan)

Timbuktu.00 Coming Soon

Timbuktu.01 Order of Battle, French Expeditionary Columns, The March on Timbuktu, 

     December 1893-March 1894

Timbuktu.02 Order of Battle, French Columns, Killi Expedition, March 18-28, 1894

Timbuktu.03 Order of Battle, French Expeditions against the Taureg, April-June, 1894

1908.A Order of Battle, The French Moudjeria Column, L’Adrar, December 1908

1909.A Order of Battle, The French Ouadai Column, Battle of Djoua, June 1909


Price: $15.00

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